Home > Breaking: ‘Nuke Inevitable’ as New York City Issues Tips To Prepare For ‘Nuclear Attack’

Breaking: ‘Nuke Inevitable’ as New York City Issues Tips To Prepare For ‘Nuclear Attack’

by Leading Reporters

New Yorkers have had a lot to worry about in recent years. Now emergency officials in New York want Empire State residents to be prepared for a nuclear attack.

On Monday, the New York City Emergency Management Department released a new public service announcement (PSA) that officials believe will prepare Empire State residents for a nuclear attack.

New York City Issues Tips To Prepare For ‘Nuclear Attack’

“New York City Emergency Management has a multitude of free resources for New Yorkers to prepare for emergencies, including no-notice events,” New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said in a press release. “As the threat landscape continues to evolve, it is important that New Yorkers know we are preparing for any imminent threats and are providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and informed.”

Chance of Nuclear Attack in New York State Remains ‘Very Low’

Officials stress the chance of a nuclear attack is “very low,” but still they believe it’s “important” to know these steps to stay safe in the event of a nuclear attack.

“While the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in/near New York City is very low, it is important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe. The new PSA encourages New Yorkers to take key, simple steps in the event of such an incident,” New York City Emergency Management stated in a press release.

3 Tips You Should Know To Be Prepared For A Nuclear Attack in New York

In a PSA video, seen below, emergency officials outlined three key steps New Yorkers should know in the event of a nuclear attack

1) Get Inside

  • Get Inside Fast
  • Get Into A Building
  • Move Away From Windows

2) Stay Inside

  • Shut Doors and Windows
  • Go To The Middle Of The Building
  • Get Clean
  • Remove Clothing And Shower

3) Stay Tuned

  • Follow The Media

New York officials did not say why they decided to release nuclear attack tips.

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